
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

La Voie lactée chez les Maya

Prophécie 2012 - The Age of Multimedia

La Voie lactée est perçue chez les Mayas comme étant la route mythique qu'emprunte les âmes lorsqu'elles voyagent des profondeurs souterraines vers les cieux de l'au-delà. D'après leurs calculs astronomiques basés sur la position des planètes, ils ont découvert le point de croisement de l'écliptique avec la Voie Lactée. Ils l'ont appelé l'Arbre Sacré d'après sa forme. La prochaine conjonction aura lieu le 21.12.2012 

More to come

The Scan

The Ancients Alien Visitors from other Stars

In search for Renewable Energy by Canadian Army



Gravitational Force and Electromagnetic Base

Until a few years ago scientists believed that all forces could be categorized into five classes:

  • Gravitational force - the force of attraction between any two objects with mass.
  • Electric force - a force of attraction or repulsion between charged objects.
  • Magnetic force - a force of attraction or repulsion between ferro magnetic objects.
  • Strong force - the force holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.
  • Weak force - the force which causes radioactive decay.

In recent years it has been shown that the magnetic, strong, and weak forces are all variations of the electric force now called the electro-weak force. Many scientists believe that the gravitational force may also have an electromagnetic base, but no proof exists as of now.